Review of Sawan Solar System

Be careful dealing with this company, there are others better, cheaper and honest.
First of all when you Wanna install a solar water heater system do not buy It without a five years complete guarantee including the tank.
With sawan it's only three years and to satisfy the customer the installer will write 5years warranty on the bill wish they will not honor when it's time for repair, there answer will be, we only go with the printed agreement wish is three years.
They are the slowest service people on planet earth or wherever they think they're living at.
You have to call sôôôô many time and explain the problem again and again.
They don't have the decency to call you back and explain why they don't wanna honor the warranty.
They even installed it wrong and I had hard time with it until I hired a plumber to fix it. Horses installed in reverse.
Lots more....
Bottom line I'm gonna uninstall mine and through it in the garbage.
Take my advice and don't buy from them.
Oh and don't ever install it on a red tile (armid) it will cause leak to the attic.

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