Video Inspection

About the product
At FIX IT drain services we have the latest CCTV equipment to eliminate guessing, assist and diagnose any potential problems within the pipe work of your drains. It is the best and most effective way to inspect any drains. There are a number of reasons that can cause your line to back up. When the cause of your drainage emergency isnít immediately visible, a CCTV camera assists our trained professionals to get quick and accurate information about the condition of any underground drainage system, and to pinpoint the exact problem and get the job done much more quickly and efficiently.

We'll be able to see exactly what ís causing the blockage, enabling us to select the best tool for the job, get the work done faster and reduce the cost. The camera is pushed along the pipe while the engineer watches a colour tv monitor, so he can assess the structural condition of the drain. If any faults/defects are found the engineer will write and record what they have seen. Once complete, we send out a full structural report (including pictures) detailing the structural condition of you drains, and video evidence in DVD format to the customer, along with a quotation of any remedial work that may be identified from the survey to rectify any problems found.

FIX IT team strongly recommend potential home purchasers to request a drain survey before completion or exchanging contracts. CCTV isnít just useful for finding the source of a current drainage problem; it can help avoid future problems. A CCTV survey can spot issues long before they develop into something more serious.
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