
About the product
You can count on a satisfaction guaranteed service from FIXIT for expert plumbing leak detection and pipe repairs across Lebanon. Plumbing leaks include the running toilet, dripping faucet, broken water line, cracked drain line, leaking water heater and damaged sewer line. Detecting water leaks in hidden pipes behind your bathroom wall, beneath floors and even underground can be difficult and costly. If you call a plumber for water leak detection he can only guess the source of the leaks which can be expensive and time consuming. This often results in hours of digging with no success.

FIXIT skilled experts use the latest equipment to pinpoint and diagnose all types of leaks to minimize damage and waste. Some leaks, like a dripping faucet, usually don’t require immediate service, but water pouring into your basement from a broken water line or cracked water heater is an emergency. Leaks can occur in all types of piping, inside and outside of a building, and often in out-of-sight places. A water leak is always a cause for concern and it is important to find and repair any leak before it causes damage to your property or poses a safety risk.

When your business is facing down time due to broken or leaking pipes, we have the most advanced equipment available to quickly locate the problem and expedite repairs we will solve your problem and get your business back on line quickly, reliably and safely, so contact us to get your immediate Water Leak Detection.
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