Customaizable & Adapatable Methdology for Managing Projects

About the product
The Customizable and Adaptable Methodology for Managing Projects™

CAM2P™, or The Customizable and Adaptable Methodology for Managing Projects™is our approach for managing a projects that consider the whole project life span (life cycle) from the project developer perspective. In simple terms: this means taking a project from idea to closure and beyond. This approach came in response to a gap in understanding project management, or in knowing how to apply project management principles.

SUKAD recognizes that one of the challenges today in enhancing performance is the over-dependence in some instances on the “common practices” and certifications that are highly popular but limited. One of the global standards for project management is a Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge® (PMBOK® Guide). This guide discusses the project life cycle for projects but only as a section in one chapter while nine other chapters focus on processes, which the guide represent them in five process groups and nine knowledge areas. As we work with project management professionals, we realized that many of them forget the project life cycle or do not fully understand how to map the process groups along the phases of a project.

For a brief write up about the characteristics of this methodology, please check our website.
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